Synthèse et analyse des données sur les inventaires de plantes médicinales de Madagascar
Rafidison V., Ratsimandresy F., Rakotondrafara A., Rakotondrajaona R., Rasamison V., Rakotoarisoa F.M., Rakotonandrasana S.R. Ethnobotany Research and Application, (2019), 18, dx.doi.org/10.32859/era.18.40.1-19 |
Ethnobotany of medicinal plants used by the Zafimaniry clan in Madagascar
Rakotondrafara A., Rakotondrajaona R., Rakotoarisoa F.M., Ratsimbason M., Rasamison V.E., Rakotonandrasana S.R. The Journal of Pharmacology, (2018), 7(6), 483 – 494 |
Essai de germination de Aloe macroclada (Asphodelaceae)
Rakotondrafara A., Rakotoarisoa F.M., Andriantsiferana R., Rakotonandrasana S.R. Actes du Forum de la Recherche 14 – 16 juin à Antananarivo «La Biodiversité et les Objectifs du Développement Durable», (2017), 365 – 369 |
Evaluation de l’activité in vitro de la tisane de katrafay (Cedrelopsis grevei) et de tsivoatolaka (Gonioma malagasy) contre Plasmodium falciparum par la méthode Mark III améliorée
Indriambelo A., Rakotomamonjy M., Ravaoarisoa E., Raholimalala E.N., Rakotondrafara A., Rajaonarison J.F., Randrianarivelojosia M. Actes du Forum de la Recherche 14 – 16 juin à Antananarivo «La Biodiversité et les Objectifs du Développement Durable», (2017), 228 – 231 |
Chemical constituants from stems and leaves of Diospyros gracilipes Hiern and the antimicrobial and cytotoxic principles
Rasamison V., Rakotondraibe H.L., Razafintsalama V., Rakotonandrasana S.R., Rakotondrafara A., Ratsimbason M., Rafidinarivo E. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, (2016), 5(2), 109 – 113 |
Furoquinoline alkaloids and methoxyflavones from the stem bark of Melicope madagascariensis (Baker) T.G. Hartley
Rasamison V.E., Brodie P.J., Merino E.F., Cassera M.B., Ratsimbason M., Rakotonandrasana S.R., Rakotondrafara A., Rafidinarivo E., Kingston D.G, Rakotondraibe H.L. Natural products and bioprospecting, (2016), 6(5), 261 – 265 |
Antiproliferative Compounds from Ocotea macrocarpa from the Madagascar Dry Forest
Liu Y., Cheng E., Rakotondraibe L.H., Brodie P.J., Applequist W., Randrianaivo R., Rakotondrafara A., Ratsimbason M., Rasamison V.E., Kingston D.G.I. Tetrahedron Letters, (2015), 56(23), 3630 – 3632 |
Implications of a molecular phylogenetic study of the Malagasy genus Cedrelopsis and its relatives (Ptaeroxylaceae)
Razafimandimbison S.G., Appelhans M.S., Rabarison H., Haevermans T., Rakotondrafara A., Rakotonandrasana S.R., Ratsimbason M., Labat J.-N., Keßler P.J.A., Smets E., Cruaud C., Couloux A., Randrianarivelojosia M. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, (2010), 57(1), 258 – 265 |
Antiproliferative compounds of Helmiopsis sphaerocarpa from the Madagascar rainforest
Cao S., Brodie P., Miller J.S., Birkinshaw C., Rakotondrafara A., Andriantsiferana R., Rasamison V.E., Kingston D.G.I. Natural product research, (2009), 23(7), 638 – 643 |
Hybridization and the evolution of tropical tree species complexes
Heuertz M., Olsson S., Torroba-Balmori M.P., Budde K.B., Rakotonandrasana S.R., Rakotondrafara A., Caron H., Scotti-Saintagne C. Communication orale Annual Meeting of the Excellence Laboratory «Centre for the study of biodiversity in Amazonia», (2016) October 4 – 11th , Cayenne, French Guiana |
Hybridization and the evolution of tropical tree species complexes
Heuertz M., Olsson S., Torroba-Balmori M.P., Rakotonandrasana S.R., Rakotondrafara A., Béatrix M., Caron H., Scotti-Saintagne C., Mariette S., Franc A., Jehanne Q., Sanmartín I. Communication orale Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), (2016), 19 – 23 June, Montpellier, France |
Hybridization and the evolution of tropical tree species
Heuertz M., Olsson S., Torroba-Balmori M.P., Rakotonandrasana S., Rakotondrafara A., Béatrix M., Caron H., Scotti-Saintagne C., Mariette S., Franc A., Jehanne Q., Sanmartín I. Communication orale IUFRO Genomics and Forest Tree Genetics Conference, (2016), 30 May – 2 June, Arcachon, France |
Studying the evolution of tropical tree taxa: opportunities and limitations of genomic approaches
Olsson S., Bautista R., Claros M.G., Scotti-Saintagne C., Scotti I., Rakotonandrasana S.R., Rakotondrafara A., Gonzáelz-Martínez S.C., Heuertz M. Communication orale British Ecological Society and Société Française d’Ecologie Joint meeting, (2014), December 9 – 12th , Lille, France |
Etude écologique, ethnobotanique et évaluation du risque d’extinction pour établir une stratégie de conservation du genre Cedrelopsis (Rutaceae – Sapindales), endémique de Madagascar
Rabarison H., Rakotondrafara A., Razafimandimbison S.G., Ratsimbason M., Rakotonandrasana S., Rajeriarison M., Randrianarivelojosia M. Communication orale 19ème congrès de l’Association pour l’Étude de la Taxonomie de la Flore d’Afrique Tropicale (AETFAT), 2010, 25 avril – 1er Mai, Antananarivo, Madagascar |
Essai de germination de Aloe macroclada (Asphodelaceae)
Rakotondrafara A., Rakotoarisoa F.M., Andriantsiferana R., Rakotonandrasana S.R. Poster Forum de la recherche : « Biodiversité et ODD », (2017), 5e édition, 14 – 16 Juin , Antananarivo, Madagascar |
Hybridization and species delimitation of Symphonia (Clusiaceaea) in Madagascar
Olsson A., Budde K., Torroba-Balmori M.P., Rakotonandrasana S.R., Rakotondrafara A., Sanmartin S., Heuertz M. Poster Meeting of the German Society for Tropical Ecology (GTOE17), (2017), February 6 – 10th , Brussels, Belgium |
Phylogenetic placement of the Malagasy endemic genus Cedrelopsis in the order Sapindales: insight into its biogeographic origin